The meat and dairy industries hold one of the largest trade fairs on the entire continent

Dairy Tech Moscow 2020 is one of the most significant trade fairs in the whole of Europe, dedicated to dairy production, milk processing and meat product treatment.
It will be held from 18 to 21 February 2020 at the Crocus Expo Pavilion 2 in Russia’s capital city, Moscow.
The event is backed by the country’s Ministry of Agriculture and, in its previous show, managed to bring together over 6,500 professionals and 200 exhibitors from a wide variety of companies, from 78 regions of Russia and 21 countries across the globe.
What will InoxMIM bring to Dairy Tech Moscow 2020?
InoxMIM travels to Russia with the intention of showing the general public all its dairy and dairy by-product processing equipment. As an industrial engineering company dedicated to the design and supply of fully automated machinery and production facilities, we could not miss this great event.
We have a huge catalogue of machines specially designed for the treatment of milk or dairy products: